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izmir yelken eğitimleri
Yelkenli teknede yelkencilik eğitimi

Hit Sailing'in sunduğu diğer eğitimlerle beraber, denizlerdeki yelken deneyimlerine devam edebilirsin. 

  • Kişiye Özel Yelken Eğitimi ile birebir özel dersler alabilir, 

  • Günlük Seyir Programlarına veya Hit Sailing Mil Programına katılabilir,

  • Bahar ve yaz aylarında, yelkenlide yaşamı deneyimleyebilirsin.

Denizlerden, yelken sporundan uzak kalmaman için tüm fırsatlar Hit Sailing'de mevcut.

  • Yelken Sporunu Keşfedin: Yelken sporuna olan ilgiyi artırarak, daha fazla kişinin bu dinamik ve entelektüel sporla tanışmasını sağlıyoruz. Fiziksel ve zihinsel becerileri geliştiren yelken sporu, bireyleri doğa ile buluşturarak, takım çalışmasını teşvik eder.

Türkiye'de yelken sporunu ve denizcilik kültürünü geliştirmek amacıyla kaliteli eğitimler sunar.

Yelkenli yatçılık eğitimlerine, temel seviyeden başlayarak, 3. seviye olan yat yarışçılığı eğitimlerine kadar devam edebilirsin.

Hit Sailing, resmi bir yelken akademisi olarak, öğrencilere doğru bilgi ve becerilerin aktarılmasını sağlamak için müfredatını özenle hazırlar. Bu yaklaşımıyla, yelken sporuna yeni başlayanlar için güvenli ve bilgilendirici bir ortam sunarak yelken sporunun popülerliğini ve erişilebilirliğini artırmayı amaçlar.

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Temel Yelken Eğitimi

Yeni başlayanlar için

1. Seviye Yelken Eğitimi

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İleri Yelken Eğitimi

2. Seviye Yelken Eğitimlerine

Devam Et

yelkenli yat yarışçılığı eğitimi

Yat Yarışçılığı Eğitimi

3. Seviye Eğitim

Yelkenli yat profesyoneli ol

Adsız Tasarım Kopyası (3).png

Kişiye Özel Yelken Eğitimi

Rotalar, günler, saatler ...

Her şey sana özel

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Kendi Teknende Eğitim

Yeni yelkenlisini alanlar için

kendi teknelerinde eğitim


Konaklamalı Yelken Eğitimi

Rotanı seç!

Hem Tatil Hem Eğitim


Türkiye Yelken Federasyonu Sertifikalı Eğitim Programları

YY1 » YY2 » YY3 

seviye eğitimler

Adsız Tasarım kopyası kopyası (2).png

Kurumsal Yelken Eğitimi

Şirketler için

özel yelken eğitimleri

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Amatör Denizci Belgesi

Ehliyet için zorunlu


Hit Sailing yelken eğitimleri

Why Hit Sailing?

    • One of the most distinguishing features of Hit Sailing is the deep knowledge and experience in sailing and seamanship possessed by its founders and instructors. Our instructors share their great passion for the sea with their students, making the sailing education unique.

    • Thanks to the Applied Qualified Sailing Training Model, students can possess the most comprehensive knowledge and skills about boat handling and sailing. This model offers an approach that aims for excellence in sailing.

    • Azure İzmir and High-Performance Yachts: While exploring the beauties of Azure İzmir, the opportunity to practice with the high-performance sailing yachts in the fleet is offered. This adds pleasure and excitement to the learning process.

    • International Recognition and Accreditation: Hit Sailing is a Sailing Training Center accredited by the Turkish Sailing Federation (TYF) and offers sailing yachting education certificates recognized by World Sailing. This international recognition reinforces the quality of the education.

    • Racing Opportunities: Hit Sailing offers its students the opportunity to participate in sailing races. With racing teams composed of students, they can step into the competitive world of sailing and test their skills under real racing conditions.

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Hit Sailing - Sailing Training Videos from : @denizdengelenler

The Meeting of Freedom with the Wind:

Sailing yachting symbolizes freedom. Gliding over the water powered by the wind means leaving all troubles behind. The moment the sails billow is the moment the sea begins to command.

Integration with Nature and the Sea:

Sailing opens the door to a life in harmony with nature. As we integrate with the sea, enjoying the sun and the wind, we understand the importance of being environmentally conscious. Living in harmony with the sea means appreciating the value of nature.

Teamwork and Solidarity:

Sailing yachting offers one of the finest examples of teamwork. Managing a sailboat requires the entire crew to work in harmony. Knowing everyone's role, communicating, and supporting each other are the cornerstones of this sport. Sailing is a school that fosters solidarity and cooperation.

Development of Self-Confidence:

Sailing enhances individuals' self-confidence. Managing a sailboat on one's own, making decisions, and taking responsibility increase a person's self-belief. This experience also contributes to being more confident and decisive in daily life.

Unique Experiences:

Every time you set sail, it signifies a new adventure. The weather conditions at sea, wave movements, and the strength of the wind are always variable. This means that each journey is unique. Sailing yachting offers different emotions, landscapes, and experiences each time.

Environmental and Sustainability Awareness:

Sailing helps us appreciate the value of nature. Keeping the seas clean and protecting the environment are among the fundamental values of sailors. This sport contributes to the development of environmental awareness.

Sailing yachting is not just a sport, but also a way of life. If you wish to be part of a world filled with the endless beauties of the sea, the taste of freedom, and unique experiences, contact us and let's decide together on the best sailing training program for you. This sport will not only help you establish a deeper connection with the sea but also with life itself. Are you ready? Let your sails billow, the seas are calling you!

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